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When you try to launch Adobe Audition CS6 or Adobe CC 2014, it crashes.

Solution: Copy a frameworks file from one directory and paste to another.
Quit Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 and Audition CC 2014.
Back up or archive /Applications/Adobe Audition CC 2014/Adobe Audition CC
Copy the directory /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014/Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Paste to the following location /Applications/Adobe Audition CC 2014/Adobe Audition CC
Solution 1: Disable the Adobe Graphics Manager (download text file).
Download the Debug Database.txt file at the bottom of this solution.
Go to the following folder:
Mac OS: Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe/Audition/5.0/
Windows: %APPDATA%AdobeAudition5.0
Copy the Debug Database.txt file that you downloaded into that folder.


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If you are using Mac OS 10.7 (Lion), 'unhide' the Library folder to access the location above. See this document for the steps to show the hidden Library folder.
Solution 2: Disable the Adobe Graphics Manager (manually create a text file).
Create a .txt file and name it Debug Database.txt.
Open the newly created .txt file and add this exact text to the top line (copy and paste from here): UseAGMDrawbot false
Press Enter to make sure that there is a line break after the first line of text.
Go to the following folder:
Mac OS: Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe/Audition/5.0/
Windows: %APPDATA%AdobeAudition5.0
Copy the Debug Database.txt file into that folder.
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If you are using Mac OS 10.7 (Lion), 'unhide' the Library folder to access the location above. See this document for the steps to show the hidden Library folder.
This issue occurs when certain fonts cause a problem with the Adobe Graphics Manager, which accelerates drawing panels and other user interface elements.
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